Thursday, March 10, 2011


Money is referred to often in Love's Labor's Lost. Specifically Costard makes a reference to a three farthing coin he calls "remuneration." Here is a picture of the three farthing coin.

Notice the cross on the tails side of the coin. This is referred to in Act 1, Scene 2 by Armado's page in line 33, "He speaks the mere contrary; crosses love not him." The page seems to be simply implying that Armado's face is not on the coin, but could also be stating that Armado is having financial difficulties. 

As to the three farthing coin, a farthing is one quarter of an English penny. Three farthings today would be the equivalent of about $12.77. The 200 thousand crowns used to purchase Aquitaine in the play would be the equivalent to about $204 million dollars.

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